Print + Digital Books

Portfolio of print and digital work of recipe and cookbooks for clients, including my own mocktail PDF book, But First, Mocktails.

Simply Cec

20 yummy recipes in 10 ingredients or less. This book was printed in a 8 x 10 paper book.

Her goal was to share her love for cooking and show people that delicious food doesn’t have to be complicated. It should be fun, it can be easy (in 10 ingredients or less), and of course delicious.

I took a fun, light hearted design and photography approach that matched her personality, message and branding.

Healthy Summer Snacks Ebook

Personal trainer Elyse Valdes from FitVenturesWithE wanted to create a PDF ebook to offer her community. Summer is her jam so it was fitting that it was a healthy summer snacks book.

I was bold with my design and photography so I could match her energy, the flavor and color of her food and that sense of summer we all live for. I kept it beach, fun, but still very clean in design and easy to navigate.

You can purchase the book on her site.

let's have a mocktail.

let's have a mocktail.

And I’m so excited to share my very OWN PDF book, But First, Mocktails. It’s filled with bold flavors, 5 recipes, and a BONUS: glassware guide that lets you know where to buy all the glassware I used in the book.

After creating books for clients, I thought it’d be fun to make one about something I’m passionate about: MOCKTAILS. I took a bold, modern approach to the design and photography, but make sure you could see and (almost taste) the flavors in the drinks.